Mar 12, 2020
Today’s featured guest is Jack Dinsley. Jack states that he’s had a stammer ever since he can remember. Over the years, Jack has turned the negativity of having a stammer into something positive. He’s been involved with the performing arts since a young age, and that has turned into journalism over the years. ...
Mar 12, 2020
This episode was recorded in Orlando, Florida, at the Podfest Expo 2020 ( I was honored to have spoken at the Pecha Kucha portion of the expo and my title was “The Stuttering Podcaster”. I spent months and months preparing for this 5-minute presentation where I discussed the origin of my podcast...
Mar 5, 2020
Today’s featured guest is Matt Herdman. Matt Herdman, a creator who lives in Oklahoma, is striving to make positive impacts on the world. He recently had the opportunity to be a speaker at Oklahoma’s first ever Next Gen Talks where he gave his speech, “What Stuttering Taught Me About Anxiety”. He graduated...