Nov 24, 2018
Mel Robbins wrote an amazing book titled, "The 5 Second Rule", and it completely changed my life. Those difficult things we have to do in life can no longer control our actions. Just countdown 5-4-3-2-1-GO.
Nov 17, 2018
How do you handle emergency situations as a person who stutters? Are you able to call 9-1-1? Are you able to effectively direct emergency personnel to the situation? Thinking of this paralyzes me with such great fear and contemplating can I do this when the time comes. If you are a PWS (person who stutters), have you...
Nov 10, 2018
Joining the US Air Force was a goal of mine and my stutter was not going to get in the way! On this Veterans Day, I want to thank all the Veterans for everything they do to keep us safe! Happy Veterans Day! God Bless the USA and God Bless Our Military!
Nov 4, 2018
I was asked recently if I stutter when I drink....find out in this episode along with some other Wut? situations.